More About Me
When my eldest was 6 months old I was at my witts end; I found parenting overwhelming – my dreams of holding my bundle of love with clean hair and a loving smile were not a reality. I was shattered. She cried, she didn’t eat well and, you’ve guessed it, she did NOT sleep. Something had to change.
I got in contact with a sleep consultant and my life changed. Not only did I have someone to guide me through the process and make small changes to what I was doing (I had read ALL the books!), I had a voice of reason and confidence. I felt empowered. I had the support and guidance of her telling me what to do, but I did it.
Yes, there was some crying but there was crying before and as she learnt the skills to get herself to sleep there was a whole lot less crying! It changed my life. We still say over 9 years on that it was the best money we ever spent. My life as a mum soon changed back into those lovely walks, play dates, clean hair and a smile that I meant. I LOVE being a mum (of a child that sleeps I should add!!).

It wasn’t long until my son graced us 21 months later. He didn’t have the easiest start to life, struggling with illness and hospital visits but I had a foundation of sleep knowledge to start the slow, gentle and simple steps towards helping him to become an independent sleeper. With his health issues, I knew he needed to learn the skills of sleep to help him recover from his illnesses. By implementing these steps, he never needed the formal sleep training that his sister did (see my Newborn Sleep Package).
When I was approached and then hand-picked to be a Child Sleep Consultant by Baby Sleep the Night, I didn’t hesitate. My BSc in Psychology, with majors in Child Psychology, fuelled my fascination about the behaviour and growth of children and what can affect them both positively and negatively. This led into a career as a Primary School Teacher which continued to develop my knowledge of children and how they learn. I love being able to positively impact on a child’s life and giving them life long lessons. My training with Baby Sleep the Night further fuelled my passion about working with children, and their parents too, and helping them to develop positive sleep habits which impact on all aspects of their growth, development, attention and happiness.
During my first year of sleep consultancy, I fell pregnant with my third; a little girl Kitty who was born during Lockdown! It definitely wasn't the easiest time to have a baby but it reminded me first hand what having a newborn is like! I implemented my 'Dream a Little Dream' Package with her and she's napping whilst I'm writing this!
In addition to having a new baby, in 2020 I also started a role as a Technical Advisor with Baby Sleep the Night; the company which I trained with. This means that, through my role as a certified sleep consultant, I offer sleep related advise to sleep consultants and support trainee sleep consultants with their cases. I am loving doing this alongside my own cases through Child Sleep Matters. As well as having a baby in 2020, I also become a certified Baby Reflux Lady - this means I am certified in analysing and assessing probable causes of reflux in children (not just the symptoms) and I can use this to help support parents in easing the symptoms of reflux. (See my Reflux Package)
Children and sleep is my passion; let me help you! I offer friendly, comprehensive and responsive support and will empower you to become the master of your child’s sleep – you won’t look back! I have a variety of different packages to suit all parents, especially tired ones. My most popular package, Sweet Dreams, provides two weeks of comprehensive, bespoke support which can be upgraded (see Optional Extras).
Contact Me TODAY for a free 15 minute consultation to discuss your child's sleep and to discuss crying in more detail.